Just by this post, I could come out with a fucking long speech.
Not to bash them, but to tell people, whoever is reading, that how amazing BVB is.
Stressing on only this post made by these judgemental people. I lost respect for them, really. For not respecting Black Veil Brides. Especially when some of their mother fucking fans come in with harsh comments. Then I realized that they are just judging by the looks. Saying that Black Veil Brides are all sorts of shit you can think of. People might say "little girl, this have nothing to do with you so why are you so worked up?". I would say, everything about Black Veil Brides have something to do with me. They taught me how to fight against the odds, they taught me how to fuck the haters off, they taught me what life is, they taught me how to stay strong, they taught me how to live, basically they just taught me everything I need to know. Andy Biersack, the lead vocalist of Black Veil Brides. Christian Coma, the drummer of Black Veil Brides. Ashley Purdy, the bassist of Black Veil Brides. Jake Pitts, the lead guitarist of Black Veil Brides. Jinxx, the guitarist of Black Veil Brides.
I'm not sticking up for only Black Veil Brides, for the BVB Army but specially for Andy Biersack. The band who saved lives, who saved mine. You're calling them names? Pouring all your hate on them? I mean, look at you lol. If you don't have eyes to see how cool they are, at least listen to their songs. People like them, with such meaningful songs. Andy Biersack, the one who stick up for BVB army (example), the one who keep on reminding you to be strong (everything you need to know). If you still hate BVB & the BVB Army, get over it bitches, you know that's because we're way better than you.
By the age of 18, I wouldn't be partying, I would be busying with Black Veil Brides (be it being in their MV or anything). I will go to Black Veil Brides concerts, find ways to thank them personally for making me know that it's not the end, take pictures with them, and just love and support them all the way till I die of old age. I've made it so far, I'll make it there (to/for Black Veil Brides). Thank you, so much.
Oh, my merch store is up already, by the way. ^-^