Wuddup people! So I'm thinking about this for quite some time. I personally prefer vlogging to blogging. Perhaps because I like to talk to a non-living thing (camera)? So this is what I'm thinking, I'll blog small updates like when a new video is up like, NOW. Check out my lastest video > CLICK HERE! And maybe some stupid/funny/random photo I found/took. And maybe quotes too?
Don't freak me out by stalking me like on every social network I go on (I don't mind that actually hehe) but do tell me why you stalk me. Ok, stalk isn't the cool word to use. Hmmmm let's see.. Maybe love is the right word? But you know what I mean right? -Winks- Links are all on the sidebar. But just in case you have a illness, which is that you only can see things straight like only my posts, here's the link to my fanpage > CLICK HERE. Every other links are there too. Ah don't worry, the links in the fanpage are all in the middle.
Bye guys! Remember to hit the like button on where ever you see it, like just below there and on my video and if you don't have an YouTube account to like or comment on my video about how cool I am, just freaking create one, cuz you'll be called a cool kid after that. But if you didn't.. you're still cool. But just do it to get more updates coming! Baha :)
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