∆ That's me and half of my sexy legs (just kiddin') ∆
This year is called the money year. I spend/am going to spend a lot this year, like at least 1 million for now. I'm definitely not joking, by the way I order things, I buy things while shopping. I spent over 100 SGD in less than an hour in town just now. Debts everywhere. No loan shark! Just my mom. I want to clear the stupid debts before flying off. Still haven't got the permission from parents about flying but I really need to get out of Singapore for awhile otherwise I think I might stress the shit out of myself and die. Ok, maybe just faint. But really... I never once in my 16 years of life sit on a plane before. Saddest adventure life. Everyone knows that I love travelling to many different countries but I never once sit in a plane before. Funniest true joke. First I was afraid of plane crashes (mmhmm, my life is damn dramatic). Oh, speaking about plane crashes, remind me of the phobia Kirill told me, the fear of dying? Can't remember. But whatever the phobia is, I want to get out of Singapore, really. -_-
And first time in my life, I experience PIMPLE. Is it just me or it should be painful? I'm sounding like a mountain turtle. O_o
Sorry for the lack of updates, if anyone actually do read my blog. Changed my blog skin, again, because I got bored of the old one I love to play around with codes. I love small fonts and simple blog skin (but love messy outfits). And what else to add? Hmmmm. Oh! Click the image (←) on the sidebar to get linked to my tumblr, my other links are there. And for the email I left there, it's not my msn, it was meant for people to contact me, for whatever reason but no, don't ask me about your math homework. A guy mailed me his difficulties, which suddenly links to his math homework. Oookay? I'm dying from school math, don't add on my stress with your math questions, please. :(
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