I was invited by NAMELESS to Stage Without Border 3 located at Scape, a quite popular place in Singapore. Such cool people, how can I miss them? So I went! Feeling that it's really very unfair to have a competition with dancers when NAMELESS is just a band. Really really unfair. But this is Singapore. Guess that's how it goes. And before leaving for ktv, I took a picture with the guys! My face is obviously cramping. (just ignore my face) I love them because they're bringing rock and roll to Singapore! You know I love rock and roll so damn freaking much! More than I love smooth bun.

And what girls do when they see a big big big big like shit mirror? Thinking mmhmm, god wants me to take a full body shot *snapsnap

While in ktv and when you're focusing on something...
Ok ending with a picture and off to bed! Damn tired after Victor told me that I had a looooooong day.
Who's Victor? I'll show you who's Victor!
He is Victor, my Japanese. You know I don't like to share things. I have 2 reasons why I featured him in my blog. I ripped this photo off his facebook by the way. Don't ask me what his facebook is, because I'm not giving anyone!!! >:) Just kidding, don't shy shy just ask me on my ask.fm okay! Nobody will ask me anyway because everyone knows that I don't like to share. Back to the reason part, first is because he is going to accompany to flyyyyyy. Overseas. And the second (which is the main one) is because he wants me to blog about him (taking that cannot huh?! as yes I want you to blog about me hehehe) We knew each other for like a year or two already? At least a year. AT LEAST. So errrrrr. Basically he is just.. cool? Like of course he is right!! That's because I only talk to cool people. Or maybe he's the exception? KKKKKK, he is cool. A dedication cannot end without the 3 words. And what's that? I love you. Ok end bye. P/S: I know you're smiling right now Victor. ;) I know you're about to laugh after looking at that typed wink, DON'T LAUGH.
Smooth bun is my iPhone by the way.
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