As many of you may already know that what I can't stand most is seeing kids getting bullied. Those extreme kind of bullying that made that child almost wanted to commit suicide. Here's another one, this kid staying strong. I totally cried with him. It's really a waste that Jamey is not around anymore, I do think of him sometimes. To be honest, even though I didn't even talk to him before, I miss him, I miss him being on this earth, I miss seeing a kid being positive and staying strong even when they got bullied to the very top.
I get super emotional talking about bullying. As a light victim of bullying. I can feel how they felt. I totally understand how much it hurts. How painful it is. How heart stabbing it is. How hard it is. To keep thinking that people who bully the victims will soon realize how much we suffered inside. But no, they won't understand. They don't care. They are worse than judgmental people. They are so awful that I sometimes really pity them for being a bully.
The situation where you're being bullied, you can't fkn do anything to stop the bullies. They will just keep going and going and going like a fkn retard. Those people who once bullied me should really think about how much they've hurt me throughout those years and how idiotic they were. And how they made me a strong person because no one was there, I was all alone. I cry not because I'm scared, I cry because I feel bad for not being able to protect myself, I cry because I don't understand why I'm letting them hurt me.
So you fucking bullies, we cry doesn't mean we're scared of you. We're NEVER scared of you.We didn't tell our parents about it not because those fucking idiots say that if we tell, we're just useless little babies. It's because we're nice people. We are fucking nice people. We respect them. We want them to wake up before it's too late. But sadly, they just won't. And if they're not going to help themselves in becoming a better person, then all I can say is, I wish them the worst.
All they want is our tears, or some worse, our lives. So we ain't giving them those.
Just want to tell all the victims of bullying that no matter how much hate you may get, no matter how many people judging you, I won't leave you alone. We won't leave you alone. xo
5th of December: Update on Jonah. People saying he lied and shit. (link to the video)

The tweet that guy is referring to.
(photo taken from the guy who tweeted the photo)
He made that video. Yes. It is him in the video. But the point is that he didn't lie about being bullied. He showed his scars in the latest video (that was not uploaded by him or was already deleted by him) to prove that the bullying was real. The purpose of the video is to let people know that he have now gain respect from people and stand somewhere in this earth, feeling welcome. Again, he didn't lie about being bullied so that's that. He DID NOT lie ABOUT being bullied.
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