With & without make-up: “You are fucking ugly”

Too much make up, too insecure, too ugly to show what's behind the powder? Fine okay. I brought myself out to the internet as me without any makeup. What now? Ugly like I've been ran over by a truck, get braces, fix my face. But at least, I proved that I applied powder on my face just because I like it. I'm a very fragile teenager (that's why I used paper instead of drawing block), people say I wear too much makeup and make it a reason to hate me (that's why I used real make up on paper me) but all these can't tear me up. All those hate, bullies, shit things that happened in this 16 years almost 17 of me breathing, all of them, only worth one teardrop, for when I'm still small and think that I'm really that disgusting and useless.
Enough - I thought to myself: I deserve to have real friends, I deserve to have a happy family, I deserve to be happy. Everyone who're reading this deserve to be happy too. You girls especially, stop thinking that you're not good enough. If you're not happy with how you look, work hard to get a plastic surgery, but I won't recommend people who are living with low self-esteem to get it because everyone is already beautiful. Not saying plastic surgery is a bad choice cuz the only downside is when it fails. Appreciate your apparence.
You don't see me draw everyday. ;)
If I am fucking ugly, you must be fucking blind, mmkay?
Okay keep smiling. Bye! xo