Remember those times when we girls at the age of 12-14 wanted to be what they call ah lian?
Typical outfit young female gangsters-wannabe wear: t-shirt and shorts with slippers.
Typical place they hang out and buy their clothes from: Bugis.
I remember how I always went there to buy t-shirts so I would fit in when I dress like them...
Now I feel disgusted knowing that my shirts are bought from Bugis.
This t-shirt is expensive, for it being nameless and selling in Bugis Street.
Didn't bear to throw it away but I wouldn't want to be mistaken as one of those ah lians if I wear it out.
So yes, TUTORIAL TIME!!!! ^-^
Clearer pictures here.

Flip the shirt inside out.
Because t-shirts are sewed like that,
you can remove the threads this way without wasting part of the cloth.
After you're done cutting 3/4 of both sides, it should look like this.
Fold the extra cloth outwards (the shirt is still flipped inside out) and to save time, glue it!
Can you see where the point meets? The part where the cloth looks like they are tearing apart.
SEW THERE to secure that separation.
And you're done!