So welcome to my SBM Camp post! SBM stands for small business management for those who didn't know. It's a 2D1N camp in hostel, learning about marketing and helping PLAYNATION to get more new customers. Wanna know more about them? Google lol. Too lazy to look for their website and more over I'm not interested in board games + tv video games. Being honest here~ I'm just interested in learning about marketing that's why I went. You know it's always good to have opportunities to learn something new that will benefit your future.
As you can see, or have already seen those pictures on twitter (if you follow me), I'm kinda happy with this camp. Good class = no matter how packed the schedule is, we're still cool. Only like 1.5/4 of my class people went! Before camp, we had lessons as per normal... but lessons were okay! I mean the people suffering together are mostly fun to be with which made the the clock tick slightly faster. Went for a "short" briefing (which was 3 hours long) after class and went for tea break with the usual group of people. Was driven to Scape's PLAYNATION for a talk. And somehow I think that they expect to give out the least and take in the best/most but yeah, everyone wants that, but not me so I better not go into this. Went back to school after another round of snacks-shopping.
Something pissed me off so badly. I swear those bitches are. so. dumb. Their attitude are super fucked up. Because the teacher-in-charge ordered our shirts 2 weeks before she have our attendance, so she only can estimate the sizes and because a lot classes didn't submit their sizes in time, she have no choice but to order an estimated number of that particular size. Tee shirt too big, so what? Girls can wear them as over sized tee and it still will look nice on us all. Why the fucked up attitude when the teacher was already so fed up? It's not like she didn't save the small sized tees for some SUPER tiny girls like me. She did her job at least. Right or not? Wtf.
Other than that, the night was great! 4 girls (including me) shared rooms with 5 girls from another class but it's still alright. Instead of sleeping, the whole group of 11 (basically the whole of OE who went for SBM camp!) went to (fill in the blanks) to have our own supper (McD). Around 3am, me & YunHui "tried to sleep" at the lounge while waiting for the clock to move and because it was SO COLD in our room. 4:30am, we start waking up the guys and we wasted our precious 2 hours just trying to pull them OUT of their sweet dreams. We all lazed around till 7:15am then started to prepare. LOL
The girls didn't sleep and the guys didn't sleep well = no energy = no idea = die. Just kidding! We manage to come out with some ideas, did some last minute preparation considering we only have 3 hours (after a long day of doing classwork and that 3 hours briefing) to come out with a FULL marketing plan. Did the presentation and all that shit and our lecturers bought us pizzas. OMG HEAVEN. Hard work paid off!

So it was a good camp afterall. ^-^
But it was really tiring and hard. Like, VERY TIRING, but fun.
P/S: Sorry if there's anything wrong with this post, I'm damn tired. Goodnight. X
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