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3.9.12 Not fucking perfect

Mistakes. Misunderstandings. Miscommunications.
Words. Choices. Mind. Heart.
This is for the guys and girls who did someone wrong and still think you're right. & for the haters.

Ask yourself:
Am I happy after all the crap I've done? Is this really what I wanted?

Are you confused over a simple question?

I have no regrets doesn't mean I think I'm perfect in someone/anyone's eyes. I admit to my flaws, my weakness and my ugliness. Now who the fuck are you to judge when you're not even near perfect in the-person-you're-judging's eyes?

I keep quiet doesn't mean I'm agreeing/admitting to what you say.
I keep quiet doesn't mean I don't know.
I keep quiet doesn't mean I am not hurt by your god damn words.

I kept quiet because I know you're confused between the thoughts of your heart and mind.
I kept quiet because I'm giving you another chance.
I kept quiet because I thought you knew why I kept quiet all this while.

Now and then I think of all the times you screwed me over but had me believing that it was always something that I've done and I don't wanna live that way, reading into every word you say but still thank you, thank you for making me feel like I am noticed.

Now for the rest of you lovelies, keep smiling and stay strong because the people who matters wouldn't mind and people who mind doesn't matter. Catch me on YouTube or talk to me on Twitter, links are all on the sidebar. x

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