Before I start, this is the USS map:

My first time to Universal Studios Singapore! I was stupid enough to wear my Chanel liquid foundation despite knowing the humid weather of Singapore. Proves one thing, although it may have disappear a little throughout the day but it didn't cake! The quality of expensive makeup is just different as I'd like to think.
We had subway for breakfast and headed down to USS. I was in fear really hoping that I will enjoy myself there. I wanted to turn to New York first, you know.. however Lwin said I'm gonna pee my pants because I should start with the least heart wrecking (did I use that word right? think I listen wrecking ball too much, oops) ones to prepare myself and since she insist we went with the map. Madagascar was boring as hell except for the carousel which most of us call or know it as merry-go-round. We then make our way to Far Far Away and when I see the castle is when I knew that shit just got serious.
First roller coaster in my life except for that baby one from Escape Theme Park which I attached the photo of it below. Yes, don't laugh because you should already know this little part about me if you watch my videos, specifically the video on facts about me. It's actually a huge step for me to even step into a bigger theme park.
Next stop to The Lost World! That ride honestly almost made me poop in my pants (not literally) because we went in this tunnel that is pitch black and my god am I afraid of the dark. Seriously though, how do you consider this as fun when you can't see a thing and being totally defenceless?! Then we went to a show. Not very amusing but good enough. Maybe I watch too much action movies so this didn't amuse me, but for Singapore I'd say it's not bad, Lwin really liked it though. Let's just say she can appreciate tiny things while I'd prefer to see something good as a whole and not just parts that are good making it overall good. If that makes sense.
Terrified, I entered Ancient Egypt LIKE A BOSS. Wandered around seeing the desperate eyes of Lwin wanting to go for that "legendary" mummy ride... I decided to go with her so I walked in, LIKE A BOSS, shaking lol. What's the best part? I was so scared I cried. She then see the fear in me knowing that this could end up bad if I can't take that ride but I was already queuing and tearing and preparing myself while doing both of those!!
Check out my vlog to see if I went:
Last 2 places: Sci-Fi City & Hollywood
Thank goodness the big roller coasters were down that day! Saved my life because as much as I say I don't want to ride the mummy ride, I seriously didn't want to ride neither of those big ones. I liked the transformers 4D ride, we both like it so we went a few times straight in a roll hehe. It's actually better than I thought. It's good, very good.
My face don't show (I look the same in all the photos) but I was pretty darn excited for hollywood! I believe I don't have to say much about hollywood huh. ;)
P/S: I know that stair holder looks like a dick and now you're probably just scrolling up to see which picture I'm referring to but blame the person who made it like that, don't blame me for standing in the middle because you can't blame somebody (L & I) who centralize everything.
Make sure to check out my & our vlogs when we're at USS:
These are some of the other photos taken whist we're there:
I actually had fun, all the way she's been very protective on rides because I was scared (don't make me repeat how timid I am when it comes to rides it's kinda embarrassing). I realize I don't scream on rides. It's like I scream in silence~~. Man I'm so deep.
Side note:
My mom & I have been wanting to go there but because I don't play rides, we planned to get the after-hour ticket to get in and just look around but we didn't meet the time where after-hour tickets are available (god dammit). Now that I've been there, I think my mom will love it there other than the pricey everything there so I'm planning to go back to USS but this time with my mom.
Thanks for reading such a long post! Till then, keep smiling x
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