Everybody look at me thinking that my life is just school and sleep. Noooo... I wish. Well, not really. I need to be productive in order to keep my mood up and my definition of being productive is to get as many things as possible done in a certain time frame. Also, when I plan to do something, I do it now, because I hate most when plans keep piling and actions are wasted on planning.

The thing is I don't have enough time. So you often see me on twitter ranting about how 24 hours a day is not at all enough, I mean, who are you kidding Earth, 24 hours a day? I have so many things to do and I want to do many more things.
My plan now is that before I clear my debt, I'll try my best to hold my frustration in from the shit customers who all deserve a slap in the face. I'm not hanging on strong because I'm getting sick of it but really, I should be thankful because it could have been worse.
School, malls, buses and trains. When I was in the lecture hall, I feel so cramped. The noises, the voices. Just everything that's out of my control. I feel like pulling my hair. I feel like asking everybody to shut their gap up. As an introvert, I (if I'm a battery) get drained quicker and I need my alone time to recharge. Man do I love my alone time. -insert tons of happy here-
Maybe I worry too much, maybe I procrastinate too much, maybe I focus on one more than the others, maybe I'm not thinking smart enough. I do suck at managing my time well. I think it's time to go old school and schedule a time table for my everyday life.
"I want it all and I'll keep fighting to have it all." says me over a month ago. I not only am happier now, I feel as though I have more than 24 hours which is awesome, my anxiety got better and the problem mainly lies in that business I was in.
Side note: I'm now posting one video a week due to school and not being able to change up with filming, editing and posting altogether. Thanks for sticking around as always, I've been bad at blogging but I'll be back to stay! Hopefully, got to get the inspiration back. x
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