Looking at myself now, I laugh. It almost feel like I lost myself again. Don't get me wrong, I love myself one hundred percent, it's nothing about that. I've been getting much more panic attacks recently, so much so that I'm beginning to suspect myself for having split personalities. I have the normal me knowing what's right and loving life, then there's the sad me thinking that whatever happening is the end of what I can take, and finally there's the angry me thinking all about how I can't wait to see the person who did me wrong fall to the damn ground.
It's really scary being fully aware of those sides as and when it's happening and still can't help but show it. Times I even wonder if I need to get my mental health checked. Call me whatever you want because nothing's gonna change your mind like how I've made up mine. I am just so tired and I'm so desperate for everybody to see just how tired I am...
By no means am I saying I'm the only who tried because that's not true. Each has put in effort trying to make something work somehow. I don't understand. I don't get it. Sure you got to try try try but why is there a need to try so hard?
I believe in second chances but not third, forth or fucking fifth. Is this what love is?

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