Not the first but hey, we're still in week one so. Where shall I begin? February is the month that we (me, at least) anticipate most because there's less than 30 days, it's a big deal when you want time to pass faster than it is already going. Love hate relationship actually. February, or should I call it the love month.
Valentine's Day or not it doesn't matter, it's just a damn good excuse to do something. A lot of people tend to feel lonelier around this time (I was one of them) of year but don't, because you can't expect anyone to love you before you can love yourself. Never have someone build your worth so love yourself first. Love yourself before loving others or wanting someone to love you. Or worst, looking for someone to love because you can't love yourself.
I have been listening to Sam Smith the whole of January and I'm bringing his songs to February because it fits better. There's just something about him and his songs. Do you feel it too? That is if you listen to Sam Smith too.
It feels like February is almost over before it really even started.
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