I was in this a few months, seen enough to understand the cycle and methods. Utter bullshit is what I'll describe the whole thing. To clarify, it may work for some but definitely didn't for me and therefore no names will be mentioned in respect for people who succeeded in this industry.
Everything is my personal honest opinion.
This is the business whereby once you step in, it's either you stay trying to get back your capital and possibly get something out of it or you get out and lose a sum. Getting out and losing a sum of hard earned money sounds stupid yes, but in return you can actually get a hold of yourself and your own bloody life.
Freedom they say. Happiness they say. No. I was happy in this business only because I had no idea what the hell was going on and people seemed nice. Using our dreams as a way for us to hand over our lives. I want what I want too bad. I am dying to get there quick. Laziness never works my dear whoever reading this. You will get what you work for and that is all. Reasonable.
The thing is, they don't put it that way. They made it sound like this is what we need. Freedom and happiness, aren't those what we need? They sugarcoat every thing in the beginning.
Sure some times talks were inspiring but honestly, they have nothing to do with what we're facing. Nothing. Call it brainwashing or if you have a more scientific term, please be my guest. I say some times because eleven out of twelve talks are basically repeats. Don't believe me? Go for all and I mean ALL.
A friend who gave it a chance said "he talk bird shit, if they claim that money is not what this business is about, then why even use a sum of money to lure people out?" - Exactly. So what if it works? That only shows that you don't stand for what you represent. Having said that I obviously got out and lose a good amount of money.

Stable rank income my ass. I gave more than I could ever get back. I left and look what happened that month. Income grew. You will never know how much you've lost until you record them all.

My question is, why not just tell people everything before making them sign? Because they'll run, that's a clear answer but since you're so afraid of losing people then why say it's their loss when they decided to stay away? If you claim to stand for what you say, why are you hiding?
I chose to leave mainly because I feel cheated and I feel as if I'm lying because I couldn't say certain things in order to get them in with me. I fucking hate it. You can say I still don't understand and shit but seriously, why are you so afraid?
Fool me once, I didn't know what's going on, my fault. Fool me twice, I wanted to get back what I've lost. Fool me thrice, I still am trying to get back what I've lost. The fourth time, no thanks. I shall exchange what I've lost with the actual freedom to get a hold of my own damn life.
Stop telling me how I'll get a better life with this because I am telling you that I'm already leading a way happier life knowing that I'm out of this and would be debt free and shockingly enough, my dreams and future both are way clearer now than they have ever been after I got out.
Spend more time studying failures than successes.
So fuck you and your successful stories.
(I obviously didn't have a good enough experience with it, sorry for words I'm trying to cut down)
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