25.9.11 A post for Jamey Rodemeyer.
If you haven't heard of him, then you should read on, even if you've heard, you should also continue reading on. For Jamey's sake. A 14 year old boy who died for being bullied because he's bisexual.
@ladygaga bye mother monster, thank you for all you have done, paws up forever
Today's post is reddish! Who's ready for redness? ^^
Don't worry guys, red doesn't mean menstruation.
It also doesn't mean spicy things.
24.9.11 Epic dream/nightmare.
I tweeted just right after I got that dream. Now you be the judge whether should it be a dream or nightmare. Blogging this at 6:23am with a bad flu probably because something wants me to forget about it but I won't until I blog the shit out because it's just so fucking interesting. I mean, experience death in a dream? Kay. So. I was in this beach with my friend and I went to explore around myself without carrying anything for the first time, for the second time when I wanted to get to the part of the beach that I saw when I walked there the first time, I have no idea why it just don't look the same. I walk the same direction but I just got to a different location. So of course, when I realize that it's a totally different part of the beach, I panicked but stood rooted to the ground for a few useless minute to see the surrounding thinking that I'm really that smart to know where it is. This airplane came and someone shouted "please show some mercy!" in a crying cracky voice. Feels like a fucking compo but I swear this is what I dreamt, like literally every detail, I type down what I see in my dream. So anyways. I thought "wtf it's just a plane?" but I see most people starting to run for their lives and so I started running, too. But I ran slow because I'm staring at the plane while running thinking what will it do next. It saw us. The plane made a landing and I was thinking "maybe they're here to safe me" but my legs kept running and I don't know why, till it EXPLODED right after it touches the ground. Even at about 1km away could feel the pressure of the fiery air thingy rushing towards you. I felt death (literally!!) when the exploding pressure hit it like BAM. And it hit another girl, who is apparently my friend (but I don't know who she is). And because I'm still alive, I just magically transported to their island (resort kinda place) which is their hideout. Being like a retard walking pass room door by room door, I thought I should find someone to let me stay in. I asked like mad and start to get scared because the planes (similar ones) are still flying around and no one wants to keep me. They land and explode when they see people, I believe it's a computerized plane, meaning everything is controlled by computer system. Everyone look dramatically similar to each other and just when my hopes all crushed, sitting down infront of the doors of rooms feeling scared and wanting to cry, this aunty (around her 30s) pulled me and said "you can come stay with me since I have 2 beds!" knowing that she has got a daughter too so that's why she treat me the best while I'm there. But her daughter escaped or something so she's not living with her anymore... While I was about to enter the room, I saw my grandma, passing me something to eat in a container, and I asked happily "Hey you're here too?! Can I stay with you?" and she's all like "No, I don't have a room.." then started to walk away and I shouted in tears "Ya right! After these years.." because something tells me that she's there for awhile. That aunty nicely toured me around the small room happily! It's called room because it's super small, smaller than my room. Just enough for beds and television and maybe one or two shelves. Then I place my handbag on the bed and remembered about my cellphone like "my cellphone!!!!" thinking that I could call for help but I just called my mom telling her where I am and why I'm there. And she's like "okay...", I mean, she can't do anything about it. Because no one heard about that island before so she can't call for any help. And after a day, everything seems a little peaceful and I went to the mall they got there. Called my mom again, told her something like "den dudas duas" and that's like a passcode for something. And I woke up staring to the blank wall thinking "what. just. happened." then tweeted about it. Now it's 7:10am and it's time for me to get back to sleep. Sorry for this random wordy post. But I find it super interesting till I blog it out, I feel that it's kinda stupid. However, I hope you like this weird dream and comment below, it's a dream or a nightmare? Goodnight.
22.9.11 Rockin' red.
This post is just going to be about what happen yesterday because I don't know if my readers love reading my blog because I blog about non-life-related stuffs or they love me for me blogging about my life? But do comment below or @mention me on twitter telling me what kind of posts you'd like to read. So it's been ages since I last blog about life and now I don't know where to start.
Basically yesterday wasn't really a good day, but it's a good night! If that even make sense. Anyways, we went to EXPLORE our own country, by legs. We literally walked from green line to purple line then to yellow line then to red line, JUST TO FIND THE SUBWAY. And we ended up in raffles place and heading home after that though we're suppose to go sentosa. What's worst, we went for a stressful low-class interview and that woman threw shit at us about our appearance! The nicest thing she said was you guys are fashionable.
Look at me rockin' the red lipstick.

Oh and that's Chanelle, will take a picture with Cassandra next time!
Oh and that's Chanelle, will take a picture with Cassandra next time!
Can't stress this anymore... I'm having a meet up on my birthday.

Chilling in starbucks is becoming like a routine. And I went out today. But I'm not here to blog about it. I'm here to blog about something more serious and it's for my mom. I got really offended by what she say, she's making me think that: 1) I'm not capable in being independent. 2) I can't rely on myself at this age. 3) I'm too weak for the society. & 4) I'm just stupid. She's wrong, too wrong. I want to work because I want to prove things, prove that I won't starve to death if I'm alone in some other country, I can rely on spending my own money for the things I want, and that I was being called a queen for good reasons and not just for the sake of calling. I need money, I want money, but I will never work as someone that have to act all bitchy and slutty to get customers even when the girls themselves are not willing to. Not when I'm this cool. My family keep on complaining that I spend too much, on their electricity, my branded stuffs and cool stuffs, claiming that it's all my parent's money, well fine then, now I'm actually finding a job to afford the things I want so that everyone in the house will zip their god damn mouth. She meant good when she calculate all expenses and minus off the pay seeing if I'll earn any, but making me think that we're being cheated is not cool, at all. Why? High pay jobs means something's wrong? She meant good but she needs to think our way, not the century where girls stay at home to do coursework and guys study, where everything is dangerous and the girls are the stupidest thing alive. I have my principals, pride, and I need respect. Not people doubting me about my capabilities. I repeat, I'm not that stupid. Don't say I don't know, it's the adults who don't know. Thinking we kids must rely on them on every shit. Yeah, maybe the losers, but not cool kids.
Incase you didn't know already...
24 October, it's a monday, I'll be having a frans (fan+friends) meetup because it's my birthday!
Plz don't just tell me you're coming on facebook, I need you to comment It's good to know that you're interested in coming! If you don't mind, please comment under this post (to make things easier) your name and your email and I'll mail you personally then mass mail you people when I update on it!
15.9.11 BIRTHDAY MEETUP 2011.
I'm organizing a meetup ON THE 24TH OF OCTOBER for my fans, and friends so if you watch my videos, read my blog, stalk my tweets, like my style/personality, or you're my friend, then you're welcome to attend! Even if it means that no one will be coming, this meetup will still go on. Though I'll be really sad if no one really comes!☹
It's a special meetup because it's held on my birthday! You can come empty handed but birthday presents, gifts, cards and even fan letters are most welcome~ Pictures and videos will be taken on that day; a group photo will be taken at the end of the day and will be posted on my YouTube channel together with the videos (after editing all into one video)! So if you don't want your face to be on YouTube, find a chance to tell me personally or you can just run away from the camera when you saw the camera facing you. :b
*You can treat me as a hollywood star (just ask for pictures or autograph XD) or just a human celebrating her birthday.
If you want to come for the fanmeet/meetup leave a comment giving me your name & email. I'll mail you personally! Any enquires and for faster replies, tweet me at @MichelleAKJ and remember to include #MAKJ16TH because I might miss your mentions due to some problem with twitter! I'll check that hashtag every once in a while so as to make sure I won't miss it. :D But sorry if I miss anything!
I'll reveal the full details after everything is confirmed.
P/S: People might need to pay some money......... cuz I'm poor got or not. :'(
P/P/S: I'm not as pretty as how I am in pictures so... :b

New video posted by the way! Long waited Juicy Couture's video (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3wb4o2FLzWc) & cool people will click here instead of the link. :b
My mind went blank right after I decided to order Jeffrey Campbell and it says that it's OOS. What?! That's just.. saddening.
My eye makeup too scary?
How about this picture? Better?
I know I'm lack of updates! But that's because I'm having a busy week. National exams, prelims, tiredness, and busyness. No laziness at all! Some of you might already saw my boring vlog. Click here if you haven't seen it and wants to see it. So today I decided to stay at home because tomorrow's gonna be a long day and so I'm blogging now!
You know I love to feel loved that's why I'm that lame to create a poll for a stupid question. My juicy couture daydreamer reached me few days back and I'm going to do a video about it so stay tune! Though that upcoming video might be boring and dead but I promise it's going to be useful for people who likes branded stuffs. Unless I'm the only
Another thing about the upcoming video. Just want to make things clear first, I'm not trying to brag how rich I am to get branded stuffs because I did once mention in my haul video saying that I'm actually very poor. And those branded stuffs I have (cosmetic & bags) is all bought with my own HARD EARNED money except for my black guess handbag, my mom paid for that because it's my first branded bag. Hahaha told you I was poor.
So goodbye for now! Byeeeeeee! ^^

He's currently my favourite guy.