This post is just going to be about what happen yesterday because I don't know if my readers love reading my blog because I blog about non-life-related stuffs or they love me for me blogging about my life? But do comment below or @mention me on twitter telling me what kind of posts you'd like to read. So it's been ages since I last blog about life and now I don't know where to start.
Basically yesterday wasn't really a good day, but it's a good night! If that even make sense. Anyways, we went to EXPLORE our own country, by legs. We literally walked from green line to purple line then to yellow line then to red line, JUST TO FIND THE SUBWAY. And we ended up in raffles place and heading home after that though we're suppose to go sentosa. What's worst, we went for a stressful low-class interview and that woman threw shit at us about our appearance! The nicest thing she said was you guys are fashionable.
Look at me rockin' the red lipstick.

Oh and that's Chanelle, will take a picture with Cassandra next time!
Oh and that's Chanelle, will take a picture with Cassandra next time!
Can't stress this anymore... I'm having a meet up on my birthday.
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