Chilling in starbucks is becoming like a routine. And I went out today. But I'm not here to blog about it. I'm here to blog about something more serious and it's for my mom. I got really offended by what she say, she's making me think that: 1) I'm not capable in being independent. 2) I can't rely on myself at this age. 3) I'm too weak for the society. & 4) I'm just stupid. She's wrong, too wrong. I want to work because I want to prove things, prove that I won't starve to death if I'm alone in some other country, I can rely on spending my own money for the things I want, and that I was being called a queen for good reasons and not just for the sake of calling. I need money, I want money, but I will never work as someone that have to act all bitchy and slutty to get customers even when the girls themselves are not willing to. Not when I'm this cool. My family keep on complaining that I spend too much, on their electricity, my branded stuffs and cool stuffs, claiming that it's all my parent's money, well fine then, now I'm actually finding a job to afford the things I want so that everyone in the house will zip their god damn mouth. She meant good when she calculate all expenses and minus off the pay seeing if I'll earn any, but making me think that we're being cheated is not cool, at all. Why? High pay jobs means something's wrong? She meant good but she needs to think our way, not the century where girls stay at home to do coursework and guys study, where everything is dangerous and the girls are the stupidest thing alive. I have my principals, pride, and I need respect. Not people doubting me about my capabilities. I repeat, I'm not that stupid. Don't say I don't know, it's the adults who don't know. Thinking we kids must rely on them on every shit. Yeah, maybe the losers, but not cool kids.
Incase you didn't know already...
24 October, it's a monday, I'll be having a frans (fan+friends) meetup because it's my birthday!
Plz don't just tell me you're coming on facebook, I need you to comment It's good to know that you're interested in coming! If you don't mind, please comment under this post (to make things easier) your name and your email and I'll mail you personally then mass mail you people when I update on it!
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