23.10.12 BellaBox | October 2012 • Birthday Box
I'm kinda late on this one because I've been trying something that I've been eyeing for but didn't convince myself to purchase it. You'll see! & my letter 'l' is not working on my Macbook Air so I'll have to copy and paste the letter 'l' each time I needed it but let's see what's in October's BellaBox!

14.10.12 History of Singapore + Updates
Updates first because there's too many pictures. I'm running in king of the web so I could use a little help there >> http://kingofweb.com/users/michelleakj << vote 10 times a day and now we only have 2 days left. I know. I've been busy with kingofweb, school and videos and I fell sick that's why I'm lacking in blog posts. I will try to update more often, provided if I have something to talk about. :b
Now onto the second part of this post will be on the history of Singapore. Of course I'm not that boring of a person to be 'educating' people from out of Singapore on our history. I'm only interested in listening about them so I can't be bother to educate myself. Many of you are the same as me (I mean that's why you read me right? hehe) so I'm just going to jump into the pictures and some words. ^-^