Yup, his birthday is just a day after mine! My mom once told me that I should be born on the 23rd of October but I just wouldn't get out. Normally people who have heard this will be trying to find out why but I'm just wondering why didn't I sleep one more day so my birthday would be the same as my grandpa's. What are you thinking? By 'the most important man' I'm referring to my mother's father - none of my ex-boyfriends is even a quater as important as my grandpa is in my heart.

My mandarin is really bad despite being a Chinese my whole life. For a moment there when I was writing some Chinese characters I was like "why does it look like a drawing, is this the how it should look?" then I went to check the translation from English to Chinese app from my iPhone and yes, it IS suppose to look like that. And yes... I use a translator to write Chinese characters, that's how bad my mandarin is, no shame. Wait, hold on, just before you judge me or say anything nasty, note that I do know how to speak mandarin and read the basics, not of a high level but at least it's enough so sheesh, I'm still not bad of a Chinese.
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