You can now follow my blog with Bloglovin!
& happy halloweenie! How's yours? Mine suck.
30.10.11 Domain.
I finally got my domain! And had a bad experience with google. If you're still tuning into, you'll realize that the followers column is not working and my nuffnang (scroll all the way down) says there's an error. So if you're not directed to my new website ( because it says that my new address should work for everyone after at most 3 days, which means that at most, it'll take 3 working days to process because I just sent in the black and white of the domain registration, then just type in in the url bar! I think it will work if you typed it rather than making it redirect you.
After getting such treatment from google, I'll need to type out the solution for it because a lot of people are experiencing this problem, and I believe many are as impatient as me. :b
So, for people who're having trouble with google custom domain...
1) You got an error message: We found an existing order for this domain. Please contact support.
My reaction: Wtf. There's no contact for me to freaking contact! What is wrong with you?!
I open another browser and another, google incognito window, safari and opera, same problem.
So I deleted all history and cache but still no changes and then I realized that it IS the google's system's problem.
But I tried to use another computer to register because it works for some, FAILED.
Why it happens: You didn't complete the checkout point after step 2.
What to do: All you gotta do is wait, wait and then wait until it allows you to register. Wait for 7 days, try registering again on the 8th day.
Option #2: Go to register a domain and then link it to blogger by following the instructions here.
The only good thing about godaddy is that you don't have to wait.
But it cost USD1.99 more than the price you're needing to pay if you registered through blogger itself.
Option #3: Sign up for a new google apps account. Which don't really worked on most people.
Me, being so impatient, I wanted to register at also thinking that somebody might steal my domain name because you know, haters will do anything to get your attention and pull you down. But then, waking up at the middle of the night, with the determination of getting a freaking domain name, I came to try my luck again and it finally worked. So here I am, sitting with a cup of hot milo with a new fresh domain name and having this annoying problem solved.
Next post is the post I've always wanted to post: About me.
Long post, TRUST ME. I really do hope that there's some people who're looking forward to it tho.
This is my latest video on YouTube. XD
After getting such treatment from google, I'll need to type out the solution for it because a lot of people are experiencing this problem, and I believe many are as impatient as me. :b
So, for people who're having trouble with google custom domain...
1) You got an error message: We found an existing order for this domain. Please contact support.
My reaction: Wtf. There's no contact for me to freaking contact! What is wrong with you?!
I open another browser and another, google incognito window, safari and opera, same problem.
So I deleted all history and cache but still no changes and then I realized that it IS the google's system's problem.
But I tried to use another computer to register because it works for some, FAILED.
Why it happens: You didn't complete the checkout point after step 2.
What to do: All you gotta do is wait, wait and then wait until it allows you to register. Wait for 7 days, try registering again on the 8th day.
Option #2: Go to register a domain and then link it to blogger by following the instructions here.
The only good thing about godaddy is that you don't have to wait.
But it cost USD1.99 more than the price you're needing to pay if you registered through blogger itself.
Option #3: Sign up for a new google apps account. Which don't really worked on most people.
Me, being so impatient, I wanted to register at also thinking that somebody might steal my domain name because you know, haters will do anything to get your attention and pull you down. But then, waking up at the middle of the night, with the determination of getting a freaking domain name, I came to try my luck again and it finally worked. So here I am, sitting with a cup of hot milo with a new fresh domain name and having this annoying problem solved.
Next post is the post I've always wanted to post: About me.
Long post, TRUST ME. I really do hope that there's some people who're looking forward to it tho.
This is my latest video on YouTube. XD
26.10.11 Thankyou.
Just a thank you. ☺
I'd really like to thank all of you for taking out a little of your time to wish me happy birthday.
Just one "happy birthday" can mean so much.
Promise if I have anymore meetups in the future, it'll be a better one. Promise.
Don't expect anything from me because I'm really a boring person.
19.10.11 THANK YOU + UPDATE.

First thing's first. I posted two videos so here they are! In case you haven't watch it. :b
I would like to thank the 91 subscribers who subscribed to my channel because thinking back to when I decided to create a new account to REALLY get into vlogging till now, with 91 subscribers. I know it might seem a little to some of you, but it's quite a big number to me because I'm sure my room can't fit in 91 people! Especially when I receive sweet comments, I swear it makes my day a whole lot better. Even just a normal comment, as long as it is not a hate comment, I appreciate and enjoy reading it. I might not reply all of the comments, or reply the comments left on my channel, but I read every single one of them and will try to reply! Because you guys know I'm a busy queen, right? 0% of laziness when it comes to read comments! ^^
Thank you to 357 of you who liked my fanpage! I remember I created this fanpage when I start making covers because I wanted to become a singer but I came to realized that I am really not good at singing so I finally decided to do other types of videos which more people is interested in. It would be so cool if 357 of you from my fanpage, go create a YouTube account to subscribe to my youtube channel... But it's still cool that you guys liked my fanpage!
Blogger (here)
I have only 3 followers on blogger so... more followers please? But still, thank you all who read my blog! Because I know I'm quite a boring person. Boring person + wordy post = - readers. But I still have people who're reading my blog posts! Like every single word. So thank you! You can "like" or/and comment to let me know that you're my reader or you've read my blog post or when you have anything to say about that post! So thank you once again!
Some people call it fanmeet, while some just want to call it meetup. Either is fine actually. So... I planned to book a resort in sentosa but it requires everyone to fork out some money which I don't like the idea. And moreover the space to walk is SMALLER than my room. Karaoke, there's people who are shy to sing infront of people and it'll be real awkward because it's a ROOM, also, the lightings there are not suitable to take pictures. How about restaurant? Of course we're not going to eat in a chinese restaurant! Swensens? But there's one rule, YOU PAY FOR WHAT YOU EAT. As for the GST, divide into the people who ate. How's the sound of that? Good? If you don't wanna eat anything, then you of course don't have to pay for anything but at least order a drink?! Otherwise if let's say 10 people came, and I'm the only one who ordered cheesesticks, I bet you the whole swensens, everyone will sure staring and we'll leave bad impression to the people working in swensens! Photos will be taken inside or/and outside swensens, if you want a solo picture with me, just freaking tell me because I won't bite anyone on my birthday! Videos will be taken, as said in my birthday meet up blog post. So for now, the plan is to go swensens to EAT. Most likely for dinner? Do tell me if you can't stay out late so I can shift it to a earlier timing! It somehow feels like a fan-date instead of a birthday meetup. (LOOL) But yeah, I'll mail everyone who're coming the details asap just in case those people don't "stalk" my blog and didn't manage to read this post. It's on the 24th of October!!! Next monday to be exact. XD
I've bought my makeup for halloween! And I'll be in town (most likely *scape) to celebrate this year's halloween, so catch me there! If you're my hardcore fan, come find me for a photo and it'll be posted on my halloween blog post. But I bet no one would come town specially for a picture. I'll be tweeting like where I am and everything so if you want to find me there... make sure you camp on my twitter profile on that day! 31st October it is. :)
This is another wordy post but I know it's easier to read this time round because I go straight to the point by "subjecting" it like that. Again, thanks for reading!
Hi, so I realized that I'm losing my readers. ☹ Okay actually I already lost all. ☹ What the hell went wrong. ☹☹☹☹
This is really sad kay lol fuck.
Some updates on my life? Upcoming plans/events? Just gonna update everything in this post! So please do read finish if you're interested on what's going on in my life. I love it when people are concern about my life (in a good way) because this shows that they care, and I love it when people care.
First off, I'm out these days to town without makeup. I went to Orchard quite often this week and I just went esplanade yesterday night. With no makeup so I hope that I didn't scare anyone who saw me. I don't think my makeup-less face is THAT hideous anyway so... yeah... And besides, I haven't finish my national exam, which means I still have to go back school so I don't see a need to waste my makeup though I can buy a new one after it's used up but SAVE MONEY while you can okay! I don't think I have money to buy new eyeliner if it is really used up around these days. So, I've been saving my makeup for bigger event that's coming up! Like.. I'll talk about it later so continue reading! :b
This way I can get people to read everything I blog! You know I'm JK. Cuz it's like, you can click on the "x" button anytime and I can't stop you, but I know you won't put my effort of typing everything here to waste. Am I even 1/4 right to say that?
I'm going to blog about my childhood bad influencing friend tonight so come back around midnight or tomorrow for that post! ^^
This is totally out of topic, but follow me on twitter for latest updates! I did a slight change to my blog by adding a "links" tab so it's easier for some of you guys to find me or to stalk me. And now you can like my post by clicking on the "_ comments and _ reactions" link, also, it makes commenting so much easier because you can comment from anywhere you are! And I'll be doing more changes to my blog maybe the day after tomorrow or tomorrow midnight? Haha realized that I'm always online and doing most things during midnight. I'm a night owl, what to do? I tends to be super tired in the afternoons but no matter how tired and restless I am during the day, I'll always be wide awake at around 3 in the morning and after. I wouldn't say that's insomnia because I don't plan to sing that song when I can't sleep. My jokes are getting lamer and lamer..
Why are people stop liking my blog post?! I wanna see some response! You all know I love attention (for the good reasons) and knowing that I'm noticed. I mean, you can't blame me right, I used to be so left out and rejected that I almost committed suicide. Just imagine how bad and lonely I were back then lol.
Leaving the sad past aside! Let's get on to my plans for this october shall we? I'm super excited to announce this. Hoping that someone will response. By liking my post to show that you've read everything or/and by commenting (preferable) telling me what you think about my post! Wait, good comments only please. No hating on me. Not again. Not anymore. I really don't have the time to entertain losers because I'm a fbusy queen.
Also, I just noticed that this post is getting wordy so I don't think anyone will read the WHOLE post? Let's go straight to the point. K, then the long introduction was not necessary at all. And after saying countless times that we should just get started... here it is now.
First event. My birthday meetup >
Second event. Halloween > (no link because I'm going to talk about it now hehe)
You can leave a comment below under this post to tell me whether if you'll be there. This is nothing much like a meet up. This is sort of a game to see whether if you could spot/find/recognize me. So about this halloween event, I'll be in town around Orchard, most likely at *SCAPE for that day walking around like a zombie, literally, a zombie. What I meant was, YOU catch me in town for a picture or a hello, tag me in my fanpage the picture of us and you will be featured in my halloween post! I bet that no one will even care to spot me, really. Even if there's only 1 person who came to "support" me by taking the initiative to spot me in town, I'd still be happy and half way flying. I really will appreciate your time. If you're scared of ghosts (like me) because I'm timid, then it's okay, come down for my birthday meetup and I'll be appreciative enough already! But for the birthday meetup, PLEASE let me know if you're coming.
I'm planning to help DYOS (donate your old shoes) but that's not going to happen too soon. Maybe around beginning and end of november so I'll talk about it more next time when it's really going to happen! Because I need YOUR help. :)

Thank you so so much for reading! xoxo
Some updates on my life? Upcoming plans/events? Just gonna update everything in this post! So please do read finish if you're interested on what's going on in my life. I love it when people are concern about my life (in a good way) because this shows that they care, and I love it when people care.
First off, I'm out these days to town without makeup. I went to Orchard quite often this week and I just went esplanade yesterday night. With no makeup so I hope that I didn't scare anyone who saw me. I don't think my makeup-less face is THAT hideous anyway so... yeah... And besides, I haven't finish my national exam, which means I still have to go back school so I don't see a need to waste my makeup though I can buy a new one after it's used up but SAVE MONEY while you can okay! I don't think I have money to buy new eyeliner if it is really used up around these days. So, I've been saving my makeup for bigger event that's coming up! Like.. I'll talk about it later so continue reading! :b
This way I can get people to read everything I blog! You know I'm JK. Cuz it's like, you can click on the "x" button anytime and I can't stop you, but I know you won't put my effort of typing everything here to waste. Am I even 1/4 right to say that?
I'm going to blog about my childhood bad influencing friend tonight so come back around midnight or tomorrow for that post! ^^
This is totally out of topic, but follow me on twitter for latest updates! I did a slight change to my blog by adding a "links" tab so it's easier for some of you guys to find me or to stalk me. And now you can like my post by clicking on the "_ comments and _ reactions" link, also, it makes commenting so much easier because you can comment from anywhere you are! And I'll be doing more changes to my blog maybe the day after tomorrow or tomorrow midnight? Haha realized that I'm always online and doing most things during midnight. I'm a night owl, what to do? I tends to be super tired in the afternoons but no matter how tired and restless I am during the day, I'll always be wide awake at around 3 in the morning and after. I wouldn't say that's insomnia because I don't plan to sing that song when I can't sleep. My jokes are getting lamer and lamer..
Why are people stop liking my blog post?! I wanna see some response! You all know I love attention (for the good reasons) and knowing that I'm noticed. I mean, you can't blame me right, I used to be so left out and rejected that I almost committed suicide. Just imagine how bad and lonely I were back then lol.
Leaving the sad past aside! Let's get on to my plans for this october shall we? I'm super excited to announce this. Hoping that someone will response. By liking my post to show that you've read everything or/and by commenting (preferable) telling me what you think about my post! Wait, good comments only please. No hating on me. Not again. Not anymore. I really don't have the time to entertain losers because I'm a fbusy queen.
Also, I just noticed that this post is getting wordy so I don't think anyone will read the WHOLE post? Let's go straight to the point. K, then the long introduction was not necessary at all. And after saying countless times that we should just get started... here it is now.
First event. My birthday meetup >
Second event. Halloween > (no link because I'm going to talk about it now hehe)
You can leave a comment below under this post to tell me whether if you'll be there. This is nothing much like a meet up. This is sort of a game to see whether if you could spot/find/recognize me. So about this halloween event, I'll be in town around Orchard, most likely at *SCAPE for that day walking around like a zombie, literally, a zombie. What I meant was, YOU catch me in town for a picture or a hello, tag me in my fanpage the picture of us and you will be featured in my halloween post! I bet that no one will even care to spot me, really. Even if there's only 1 person who came to "support" me by taking the initiative to spot me in town, I'd still be happy and half way flying. I really will appreciate your time. If you're scared of ghosts (like me) because I'm timid, then it's okay, come down for my birthday meetup and I'll be appreciative enough already! But for the birthday meetup, PLEASE let me know if you're coming.
I'm planning to help DYOS (donate your old shoes) but that's not going to happen too soon. Maybe around beginning and end of november so I'll talk about it more next time when it's really going to happen! Because I need YOUR help. :)
Can't help but SPAM this picture on my blog post. He's such a *qtpaiiiii.

Thank you so so much for reading! xoxo
8.10.11 Juicy Couture #2
My second order from just arrived this afternoon! And I'm much more satisfied with Juicy Couture this time because the way they treat this new edition that came in stock not long ago like treasure. Their packaging is much more neater and that's a win.

I'm not going to do a video about this bag so I'm just going to go through the details about it now, only on my blog. It is super cute! In size and as a whole. It is actually quite small but it can totally fit in all the things I have in my pink daydreamer bag which is so much bigger than this and that includes.. my iPhone, my hello kitty make up bag, my DSLR, my wallet, my spectacles, a packet of candy and I still have a little bit of space to put small things like a portable charger, ear piece or maybe few packs of tissue paper. There's advantages and disadvantages of it being SO soft. Advantages: texture is very well done (good to touch), good to sleep on, it is easy to fit in small space provided if there's not much thing inside the bag. Disadvantages: hard to organize your things inside and once you take something big such as DSLR out of the bag while carrying it, you'll have to rearrange the things to make space for that huge object you took out. So it pretty much shows us all that it's a good bag. There are 2 compartments, 1 on each side, under the bows, capable of storing your ez-link card or gift cards or credit cards. Not to worry about a thing because it won't fall out. What's best? It's polka dots inside! ^^

I'm not going to do a video about this bag so I'm just going to go through the details about it now, only on my blog. It is super cute! In size and as a whole. It is actually quite small but it can totally fit in all the things I have in my pink daydreamer bag which is so much bigger than this and that includes.. my iPhone, my hello kitty make up bag, my DSLR, my wallet, my spectacles, a packet of candy and I still have a little bit of space to put small things like a portable charger, ear piece or maybe few packs of tissue paper. There's advantages and disadvantages of it being SO soft. Advantages: texture is very well done (good to touch), good to sleep on, it is easy to fit in small space provided if there's not much thing inside the bag. Disadvantages: hard to organize your things inside and once you take something big such as DSLR out of the bag while carrying it, you'll have to rearrange the things to make space for that huge object you took out. So it pretty much shows us all that it's a good bag. There are 2 compartments, 1 on each side, under the bows, capable of storing your ez-link card or gift cards or credit cards. Not to worry about a thing because it won't fall out. What's best? It's polka dots inside! ^^