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27.9.13 Blister

We finally got together after about a week of not meeting due to my life outside of relationship because I somewhat have a schedule to balance family, friends and internet but recently I got a temporary job as an account assistant so that's one more thing in the list of things I have to balance. It's already hard to balance 3 especially all the internet stuff like blogging, filming and editing videos takes a lot of time each but that's what I really enjoy doing so I don't find it troublesome, just kinda stressful when I can't get anything up for you all because as someone on the interweb, you have to be regular otherwise people will forget about you and that's just how the internet world is.

I am really blessed to have such awesome people in my life. One like you, who sticks around and understands when I wasn't updating my blog or uploading any videos. Of course plus the people around me who stayed though I neglected them for my relationship and of course the one I was tweeting about as quoted "Sometimes we hurt people unintentionally & we hurt them so much we want them to leave because we don't feel deserving of their love anymore but they insisted on staying saying it's okay for the words you say that brought them pain, it's okay as long as they can still be with you. Those are the people (if they aren't part of your family) who really love you, who still try when you're giving up; people who are worth it." from my twitter @michelleakj.

Also to add to this post, I came up with a little schedule to make sure you guys can look forward to almost everyday (hopefully) by my YouTube and blog. This is what I'm gonna do, a new video will be uploaded every wednesday so if you manage to catch a new video from me basically means that you've survived half of the week and you only have 2 more to go to the weekends! As for blog posts, I will update at least once a week on monday/friday or maybe both. If you see me updating on monday, it means that the video on wednesday is not related to the blog post I'm going to post on friday (I hope a little down from an empty monday will make you look forward to wednesday more) and the usual last day of the month's VOTM (vlogs of the month) and first day of the month blog post update + an update video for the previous month on the first wednesday on every month. I hope this is not very confusing but I'm starting to get confused myself. - We will be looking at the weekdays only.

23.9.13 Cineleisure

Haven't been there for quite a while because I'm visiting places that I don't really go so we decided to head back to town and walk around especially when it was like a routine for my mom & I to go down to Orchard ION (actually I'm the one dragging her along with me there) during her days off from work. Repurchased an eyeliner and upon reaching home I realized that I totally forgot that I'm running out of rectangular shaped cotton pads! I think my memory is really starting to fail me but I am still so young... I don't want to have memory loss when I get old. I mean who wants to when you don't suffer from it unless your life is that miserable and yet you're trying to stay strong for the people around you or yourself. Well then if you're one of those people then I want to let you know that I truly am very proud of you for coming this far.