11.12.13 11/12/13
Special date. Once in a life time kind of date. We are actually very lucky to experience this once in a lifetime kind of thing.
Sure I am not the only one feeling the need to do something on this day. You might be able to tell by now that I chose to blog on this particular as my part of noting down that I am alive on 11/12/13 so here's an update!
I will be doing vlogmas, formally known as 12 days of christmas vlog. I have been sorting out my calendar because I didn't plan to do vlogmas until the very last minute when everyone is already on day 5 so I decided to do what I did last year on my main channel starting from the 14th which explains why this week's video schedule is messed up. My new beauty video (winter haul) is processing as I'm typing this but I bet it's going to be live only by tomorrow. Make sure you follow me on twitter or facebook to be notified once it's up.
I'm more active on twitter now too because it is finally the holiday season and Lwin is overseas so twitter is keeping me company. My chance to be extra productive but my eyes are ruining it for me. They are a bitch for the past weeks, so itchy I almost scratch them out and even now. Better be resting my eyes now. Super excited for vlogmas!
Sure I am not the only one feeling the need to do something on this day. You might be able to tell by now that I chose to blog on this particular as my part of noting down that I am alive on 11/12/13 so here's an update!
I will be doing vlogmas, formally known as 12 days of christmas vlog. I have been sorting out my calendar because I didn't plan to do vlogmas until the very last minute when everyone is already on day 5 so I decided to do what I did last year on my main channel starting from the 14th which explains why this week's video schedule is messed up. My new beauty video (winter haul) is processing as I'm typing this but I bet it's going to be live only by tomorrow. Make sure you follow me on twitter or facebook to be notified once it's up.
I'm more active on twitter now too because it is finally the holiday season and Lwin is overseas so twitter is keeping me company. My chance to be extra productive but my eyes are ruining it for me. They are a bitch for the past weeks, so itchy I almost scratch them out and even now. Better be resting my eyes now. Super excited for vlogmas!
24.11.13 What's On My iPhone 5?
Hello hello! I finally found some time to seat down, edit the video as well as transferring the pictures I captured on my phone to the camera and now to here. The reason why I decided to make a post out of this when I already did the video is because some things changed and it will be easier for you if you saw some apps that interest you from my video and would like to find it in the app store. I deleted some apps and went to find the frame app that I was talking about in my video but if you haven't, you can watch it here to see which app I've been loving and using!
19.11.13 COTD #1 (Confession Of The Day)
30.10.13 Birthday
(I wonder when I'll start feeling so old I wouldn't want anyone to know my age)
22 OCTOBER 2013

I celebrated it with my mom first because she only has her day off once every week. I've been wanting to dine in Antoinette for the longest time so I brought her there but she's the one paying. Classy restaurant indeed, didn't disappoint me a single bit.
(I wonder when I'll start feeling so old I wouldn't want anyone to know my age)
22 OCTOBER 2013
I celebrated it with my mom first because she only has her day off once every week. I've been wanting to dine in Antoinette for the longest time so I brought her there but she's the one paying. Classy restaurant indeed, didn't disappoint me a single bit.
333A Orchard Road
Mandarin Gallery
Singapore 238897
21.10.13 Universal Studios Singapore
Before I start, this is the USS map:

15.10.13 Pokémon X/Y
From my instagram and twitter you can already tell that I got my hands on the latest version of Pokémon and is currently going crazy over it. I'm not gonna lie, I got really carried away by this game every time I play. I stopped playing it ever since I got into the internet world but sure I still love pokémon, just that I don't play it anymore. I bought Pokémon White planning to go back into the whole Pokémon thing but my cousin thought it's my uncle's so he played it and you know when you have to play off from where someone else has left it to be, you'd rather not play at all? That's exactly what I thought.

My uncle bought his limited 3DS XL at Funan mall together with Pokémon X and Y on 12 October - real Pokémon fan there! You know I'm a sucker for limited edition stuff so I thought I'm gonna go get that 3DS XL tomorrow! so I woke up even before the mall is open and head down to Funan. Waited for an hour plus to get told that in all of the game stores in Funan mall was sold out the day before. Never expect it to be like iPhone.
I was so depressed, planning to get the normal 3DS since it's cheaper and if it wasn't for the legendary Pokémon cover I wouldn't have even think about getting the XL. Thank goodness I didn't just ask for the normal 3DS on the spot but decided to head back home first. On my way home I was texting Lwin and she said STAY WHERE YOU ARE!, she called the game store in Orchard and figured that there's a few left so I rushed down and asked if they still have any available. This is our conversation:
Me: Hi, is the limited 3DS XL still available in this store?
Staff: You're referring to the Pokémon one?
Me: Yeah that!
Staff: Yeah of course, we still have a few left.
Staff: Red.... yeah we do.
Me: How much is it?
Staff: Oh, the cost of limited 3DS XL increased quite a bit.
Me: And it is now..?
Staff: $488.
Me: WHAT? $488... *about to turn around and go home because I only brought 400*
I was freaking out inside because I thought it really is $488, you know.. it's not impossible then after paying I was just like qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm I'm sure you know what I mean.

My uncle bought his limited 3DS XL at Funan mall together with Pokémon X and Y on 12 October - real Pokémon fan there! You know I'm a sucker for limited edition stuff so I thought I'm gonna go get that 3DS XL tomorrow! so I woke up even before the mall is open and head down to Funan. Waited for an hour plus to get told that in all of the game stores in Funan mall was sold out the day before. Never expect it to be like iPhone.
I was so depressed, planning to get the normal 3DS since it's cheaper and if it wasn't for the legendary Pokémon cover I wouldn't have even think about getting the XL. Thank goodness I didn't just ask for the normal 3DS on the spot but decided to head back home first. On my way home I was texting Lwin and she said STAY WHERE YOU ARE!, she called the game store in Orchard and figured that there's a few left so I rushed down and asked if they still have any available. This is our conversation:
Me: Hi, is the limited 3DS XL still available in this store?
Staff: You're referring to the Pokémon one?
Me: Yeah that!
Staff: Yeah of course, we still have a few left.
Staff: Red.... yeah we do.
Me: How much is it?
Staff: Oh, the cost of limited 3DS XL increased quite a bit.
Me: And it is now..?
Staff: $488.
Me: WHAT? $488... *about to turn around and go home because I only brought 400*
I was freaking out inside because I thought it really is $488, you know.. it's not impossible then after paying I was just like qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm I'm sure you know what I mean.
10.10.13 01/10/13
Where has the days gone? Although it felt like it took forever to get through September, the beginning of October went so fast like poof, it's now the tenth day of a new month and I'm still here typing my supposedly due post. You know.. September. All I was trying to do is to be enough, I forgot who I am, I lost myself. I find it hard because some things just get on my nerves so bad at that moment. I meant good but the way I try to get my point across weren't right.
I keep expecting more/wanting more and because I've been focusing on getting more, I forgot what is actually happening around me. I just want more. I'm overwhelmed by the things happening, so overwhelmed I don't even want to know what they are. I had many moments where I'm just like maybe I'm asking too much, maybe it's really impossible thinking it's okay to just let everything go and so I can start afresh but no. It's like, instead of thinking that I'm half done with my life, think of it this way - I'm half complete with my life.
Since school reopens I've been trying to get used to waking up early again and getting all the sleep I've missed back so I'm lacking in videos and posts. I'll get my life back together! I need to.
Something exciting that's happening this week is that I'm going to Malaysia tomorrow! The last time I went there was last year, I remember I didn't have enough money to get the Chanel Litalumieré Aqua foundation and I was so frustrated at some people who came out with excuses just to not lend me money. Argh! Hopefully this time it'll be better.
I think I'll end here for this post. Goodbye! Have a nice day everyone. x
27.9.13 Blister
We finally got together after about a week of not meeting due to my life outside of relationship because I somewhat have a schedule to balance family, friends and internet but recently I got a temporary job as an account assistant so that's one more thing in the list of things I have to balance. It's already hard to balance 3 especially all the internet stuff like blogging, filming and editing videos takes a lot of time each but that's what I really enjoy doing so I don't find it troublesome, just kinda stressful when I can't get anything up for you all because as someone on the interweb, you have to be regular otherwise people will forget about you and that's just how the internet world is.
I am really blessed to have such awesome people in my life. One like you, who sticks around and understands when I wasn't updating my blog or uploading any videos. Of course plus the people around me who stayed though I neglected them for my relationship and of course the one I was tweeting about as quoted "Sometimes we hurt people unintentionally & we hurt them so much we want them to leave because we don't feel deserving of their love anymore but they insisted on staying saying it's okay for the words you say that brought them pain, it's okay as long as they can still be with you. Those are the people (if they aren't part of your family) who really love you, who still try when you're giving up; people who are worth it." from my twitter @michelleakj.
Also to add to this post, I came up with a little schedule to make sure you guys can look forward to almost everyday (hopefully) by my YouTube and blog. This is what I'm gonna do, a new video will be uploaded every wednesday so if you manage to catch a new video from me basically means that you've survived half of the week and you only have 2 more to go to the weekends! As for blog posts, I will update at least once a week on monday/friday or maybe both. If you see me updating on monday, it means that the video on wednesday is not related to the blog post I'm going to post on friday (I hope a little down from an empty monday will make you look forward to wednesday more) and the usual last day of the month's VOTM (vlogs of the month) and first day of the month blog post update + an update video for the previous month on the first wednesday on every month. I hope this is not very confusing but I'm starting to get confused myself. - We will be looking at the weekdays only.