We didn't travel back in time, it's Tuesday here where I'm at. Well, Singapore. First Monday Post on a Tuesday, what a way to start haha. I've decided on Monday Post due to various reasons, it's going to replace the failed series that I only had a post on for, This Week.
Instead of summarizing what happened during the week, a monday post can be about anything and naming it This Week just didn't feel right. I feel obligated to talk about things that happened the past week, felt like I'm limited to the things I can talk about when that shouldn't be the slightest case at all.
Aside from school, last week was quite something. I was again, all over the place; what a surprise. To explain everything, my body clock is really screwed. I'm so jet lagged in a way where I haven't even been on a plane my whole life yet the clock inside me is following a completely opposite timezone without even trying. If you know the term for that, please let me know so I can sound smart.
I feel the lack of alone time even though I extracted myself from a lot of things the past week. Probably because I was too busy trying to get some sleep when I can fall asleep. Troubles sleeping at night is not fun. You guessed it, I sleep when I can fall asleep which is in the day time ranging from mid-afternoon to late-afternoon then spend the whole night struggling to fall asleep only to make myself really annoyed the next morning, going to school sleepless.

I finally had some sleep on Thursday so I went out with my mom in the afternoon, let me repeat, in the afternoon to grab starbucks after avoiding it for 10 days. I'm not even kidding, life without starbucks is not a life. I hope I'm not the only one otherwise it'll be me saying that everybody has no life. Ohhh that's bad.

Friday night was good! Had a little catch up with an old friend which you might have seen or read about on my blog before, especially when I kinda made it a huge deal that we finally took a photo together after donkey years of knowing one another and yes, it's still our only photo together.
& if you're still curious click here to go to that old post.

Saturday I chopped a few more inches off my hair because I was feeling so damn adventurous. I actually like it better and now looking at my crazy well-known long hair.. I can't help but cringe. Yup, starbucks again. It's addictive!

Jorgen called me early in the morning at freaking 6 telling me he's coming over with Derek asking if I wanna have breakfast. I knew I won't be able to fall in a deep sleep even if I continue to struggle so I might as well, and gosh am I hungry. I can't say no to mcdonald's happy meal breakfast, I can never think of any other places to have breakfast.
Making full use of my not-so-long-lasting awake-ness, we went to town while Derek… went home to sleep. The real scenario was that I thought I had contact lens solution left at my place but it's gone so he headed home also to get the annoying lenses out.

Then it's my turn, had a long nap where I only get up in the middle of the night. I mean after I got home, not on the bus. Told you my body clock is screwed! But then again, never thought I could be still hanging out with such a screwed body clock so I'm happy. Anyway I really need to end this post now it's almost midnight and I have homework to do!
New video tomorrow, just need to get a little bit more of the editing done! Thanks for reading x
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