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20.1.15 Tips On Growing Your Hair

I had really long hair for a long while, until I wanted a change and decided that a hair cut is one of the best way to start. Here are some tips to growing longer hair.

Sorry this took awhile. I've been feeling poorly while being busy with school and looking for a job to earn some extra cash because one can never have enough money. You know me well enough now so I believe you'd understand the juggle of so many things at once haha.

01. Trim the ends once every few weeks.
This is to make sure the hair has room to breathe, especially when if there's split ends it can't breathe. Same logic as when you wear hat for the whole day, it's bad.

02. Protein (eggs, meat, dairy products)
The same as how humans need water because it's a basic human necessity to survive. Same goes to protein. The hair needs to "eat" (as I'd like to call it) in order to grow.

03. Don't wash it everyday.
Your hair needs its natural oil. While washing you're scraping off the oil and by doing that, the hair will grow more oil to help with the "dryness" it's feeling. Therefore washing your hair everyday is actually really bad for its health and it makes your hair even more greasy.

04. Deep conditioning on the ends.
To lessen the chances of having split ends because dry ends will result in split ends and split ends prevents the hair from growing any more.

05. Avoid heat.
Self explanatory, it is drying and again, dry hair causes split ends. Unhealthy hair.

These are the few tips I keep in mind when I was growing my hair. The obvious tip will be to wait but I find that it helps if you help to keep it healthy. Have fun growing your hair!

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