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27.1.15 Monday Post: The Start & Past Week


We didn't travel back in time, it's Tuesday here where I'm at. Well, Singapore. First Monday Post on a Tuesday, what a way to start haha. I've decided on Monday Post due to various reasons, it's going to replace the failed series that I only had a post on for, This Week.

Instead of summarizing what happened during the week, a monday post can be about anything and naming it This Week just didn't feel right. I feel obligated to talk about things that happened the past week, felt like I'm limited to the things I can talk about when that shouldn't be the slightest case at all.

20.1.15 Tips On Growing Your Hair

I had really long hair for a long while, until I wanted a change and decided that a hair cut is one of the best way to start. Here are some tips to growing longer hair.

Sorry this took awhile. I've been feeling poorly while being busy with school and looking for a job to earn some extra cash because one can never have enough money. You know me well enough now so I believe you'd understand the juggle of so many things at once haha.

1.1.15 Goodbye 2014 Hello 2015


I've been doing annual posts since 2012 so here's 2014. It came to my attention that resolutions don't normally work and that I had the same resolutions for the past two years. The post from 2013 shows how hard I try to explain something that there's no need to say much of, 2014 shows how I just wanted to do something that I said I would. Now 2015… first of all it's a really nice number. Secondly, I am restarting my life.