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31.12.12 2013


Last year yesterday I did a new year's resolution post too. I read through it and realize how dumb I sound, just one read you can easily tell I'm not yet mature and I thought I was funny by the way I type. This time, I'm having this post divided into 3 sections: reflection, changes and conclusions. Reminiscences of when I still write compositions. Having to write a more than 500 words long composition is always my favorite thing to do as a homework. I still wonder why I'm not a journalist but a vlogger...

I wanted to write this post earlier but got carried away with minecraft (which I'm still trying figure out what to do other than hunt, build and survive) and because I have a weak body, I'm feeling sick after playing for about 4 hours straight - maybe a little more than that. It's weird because I can play WoW for more than 8 hours without me even knowing! To be honest though, they say games release your stress but games stress me more than releasing my stress because when I want to get better so I set higher expectations each time I complete one expectation that I'm carrying. Games like the old ones: AuditionSEA and MapleStorySEA (there was once I wasted 5 precious days playing Maple with 2 friends from the same primary school, yes non-stop wtf I know) then upgrading myself to BlackShot and moving back to cute looking games and because I love adventure fighting games - Spiral Knights and just got started with WoW then now trying minecraft. Well minecraft is uh... like sims 3 except it's more challenging and you can't reproduce. LOL
Okay now it's time to start with what this post is supposed to be about!
Reflection, what I think of myself in 2012 as a 2013 me now:
1) Narrow minded
- I can't take hate, when someone hate on me, I'll hate them back which makes me one of them - low.

2) Childish
- When someone offend me in any way, be it unintentionally or by purpose, I will have millions of tweets about it, tons of facebook statuses about it and if I'm really mad, I'll want to blog about it but I wasn't determined enough so I always save them as draft until the later me in 2012 sees it and be like oh thank god *clicks delete draft*

Changes, no explanations needed:
1) Stronger
- This is by far the most, physically, dramatic year I've ever experienced. I went deeper into the world, have a better understanding of life and knowing how many people out of our reach is suffering and struggling through their everyday life while we're here being ungrateful idiots, I also see how scary and fake people can be and of course, I see how nice and genuine people can be which is really, really touching.

2) Language
- I realize how I stop swearing with hokkien vulgarities and lessen the use of Singlish. You will only hear 5% of Singlish when I'm speaking English so that is why all (most of) my videos are Singlish-free but I still use them when I speak Mandarin so stop saying I'm faking just because I'm a Singaporean using English in my videos with no Singlish detected. I honestly don't like the idea of Singlish, I don't even know why the hell it's invented (for goodness sake it's not because Singapore wants a language of its own) or why I'm taught or allowed to go near it. My aunt said this to her son just yesterday: English is your first language, why is it still not your best subject? and his answer to her was... we're speaking Singlish, not English. - PRICELESS. - so please don't blame your children for not scoring well in English even when it's their first language because we are exposed to Singlish ALL the freaking time, there's no way to block it. I'm sorry Singapore, either you have Singlish as a subject to be fair to everyone or you make Singlish illegal until we're working adults, old enough to not get affected in our communication skills and English exams. I think I'm the only one against Singlish... :/

3) Maturity, a little at least
- I don't really flood my twitter timeline with the same topic anymore, it's a good start.

4) Bigger heart
- Instead of watching people/animals suffer, I think of something to help which I think it somehow worked. I hope.

Conclusions, the official resolutions:
1) Eat healthy
- This wasn't in my last year new year's resolutions and I have no idea why! I'm underweight (not anorexic), I explained here which means I'm really weak so I have to eat healthier to maintain the strength of my body systems!

2) Reach out to more people
- Continue inspiring, encouraging and saving more lives.

3) Keep on progressing, have a bigger audience
- Look at me... I grew so much..

The happiest thing about 2012? My YouTube channel, it not only changed my life for the better, it helped me in many ways. Guess this is about it, @mention me your new year's resolution or comment on this post (& follow if you like) or if you have any questions, feel free to formspring me or reach me on facebook!

P/S: I did 12DaysOfChristmas vlogs, have you watch all of them yet? -

Keep smiling, stay classy! ;) x

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